OO style advice

Magnus Lyck? magnus at thinkware.se
Thu Feb 19 16:00:37 EST 2004

"DomF" <fidtz at clara#spam#.co.uk> wrote in message news:<1076943278.22567.0 at echo.uk.clara.net>...
> I have been putting together a little text chess program and have run into a
> style issue when integrating my chess clock with my chessboard generator.
> Basically, I would like to be able to manipulate the clock independently of
> the board but also want the clock time as displayed by the board to change
> automatically.
> I am passing in a clock object to the board in __init__ to achieve this.
> However, means that the clock object can be changed via the board object and
> the clock object. Is this good style or should I be designing in a totally
> different way?

So, just pass in a bound method to view the clock output then!
Likewise, player objects can get buttons to play with. Methods
are also objects that can be passed around, you know... E.g:

import time

class ChessClock:
    WHITE, BLACK = False, True
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_start = None
        self.total = [0.0,0.0]
        self.running = None

    def white_press_button(self):
        if self.running is None:
            self.running = self.BLACK
            self.last_start = time.time()

    def black_press_button(self):
    def press_button(self, color):
        if self.running == color:
            self.running = not color
            self.total[color] += time.time() - self.last_start
            self.last_start = time.time()
            print "Not your turn!"

    def display(self):
        times = self.total[:]
        txt = ['STOPPED','RUNNING']
        if not self.running is None:
            times[self.running] += time.time() - self.last_start
        for color, COLOR in [('White', self.WHITE), ('Black', self.BLACK)]:
            print "%s: %d min %02d sec %s" %(
                (color, times[COLOR]//60, times[COLOR]%60, txt[COLOR]))

class ChessGame:
    def __init__(self, clock_display):
        self.clock_display = clock_display


class ChessPlayer:
    def __init__(self, colour, press_clock_button):
        self.press_clock_button = press_clock_button



clk = ChessClock()
game = ChessGame(clk.display)
w = ChessPlayer('White', clk.white_press_button)
b = ChessPlayer('Black', clk.black_press_button)

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