Listbox and Hashtable troubles

wes weston wweston at
Thu Feb 19 12:58:29 EST 2004


"You can also use a listbox to represent arbitrary Python objects. In 
the next example, we assume that the input data is represented as a list 
of tuples, where the first item in each tuple is the string to display 
in the list. For example, you could display a dictionary by using the 
items method to get such a list., END) # clear
     for key, value in data:, key) = data

When querying the list, simply fetch the items indexed by the selection 

     items =
         items = map(string.atoi, items)
     except ValueError: pass
     items = map(lambda i, d[i], items)"

Katie Beach wrote:
> I have a listbox in which I would like to be able to display a value of 
> a hash, but when the user selects an element in the list, I need to be 
> able to use the KEY associated with the value chosen for editing... I 
> don't see an easy way to do this except to create a lookup array that 
> contains an index and a KEY - the index will then be associated with the 
> VALUE in listbox... this seems like a pretty messy way to do this, so 
> I'd like to avoid it if I could. Has anyone else needed something 
> similar, and if so, what was their solution to the problem!!
> Many Thanks,
> Katie
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