where does Python stand?

Dang Griffith noemail at noemail4u.com
Fri Feb 6 16:34:41 EST 2004

On 5 Feb 2004 19:30:42 -0800, crescent_au at yahoo.com (Ben) wrote:

>I still need to ask something... Let me be more specific. I wanna
>create a web page where I want to put photos taken by me... There are
>lots of them. I also want to include a search capability in my web
>page for users to search my photos by name (topic)... For this, I
>would like to use a database which includes the location of my photos
>on the server along with names and sizes... I would also like to make
>it easier for me to add more photos in the future with ease. Also if
>possible, try to generate html pages on the fly as I upload photos on
>the server. In other words, I wanna make my web design efficient with
>least amount of manual work. Well, this is pretty much the scenario.
>What do you think would be a best design technique that I should
>follow? I know Dreamweaver, Python, Java, JavaScript, CGI using
>python, C, C++... What programming languages do I need to learn in
>order to accomplish my task? If I need to choose between ASP and JSP,
>I'd rather go for JSP cause it'll be easier for me to migrate as I
>don't know much about VB, Jscript and C#. What are some of your

I don't want to sound like a heretic (cuz I'm not religious about
languages), but from the sounds of your requirements and current
knowledge base, PHP will satisfy your needs in the most direct
fashion.  It's easy to learn and can be worked in with DreamWeaver.

You can use mySql (sp?) with PHP to map keywords/search criteria to
the filenames of your photos.  Your PHP code will take the user's
input, form an SQL statement to determine which photos to display, and
then put them into a web page.  Poof!

I only spearminted with PHP for a little while, and am no expert.  
But as I said, based on your requirements, I think it fits the bill.

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