[ANN] ftputil 2.0

Stefan Schwarzer sschwarzer at sschwarzer.net
Sun Feb 8 12:37:01 EST 2004

ftputil 2.0 is released! :-)
ftputil is a high-level alternative to Python's ftplib module. With
ftputil, you can access directories and files on remote FTP servers
almost as if they were in your local file system. This includes using
file-like objects representing remote files.

You can download ftputil from

For future releases see
or subscribe to the mailing list at

What's new?

 From version 1.1 to 2.0, the following has changed:

- ftputil has been re-organized and is now a Python package (the
  import statement is still the same)

- installation via Python distutils

- stat, upload_if_newer, download_if_newer etc. work correctly if the
  server is in another time zone than the client running ftputil (with
  help from Andrew Ittner); see section "Time zone correction" in the

- it's possible to set the directory listing format "manually" (though
  in most cases it's recognized automatically); see section "Stat'ing
  files and directories"
- added a workaround regarding whitespace in directory names (thanks
  to Tommy Sundström and H. Y. Chu)

- extended documentation and converted it to HTML format (now
  generated from reStructured Text)

- several bugfixes

- there's now a mailing list at http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/ftputil
  (thanks to Holger Krekel)


The documentation for ftputil can be found in the file ftputil.txt
(reStructured Text format) or ftputil.html (recommended, generated
from ftputil.txt).


ftputil is Open Source Software. It is distributed under a BSD-style
license (see the top of ftputil.py).


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