new newbie [ FAQ]

eltronic at eltronic at
Fri Feb 6 16:25:15 EST 2004

On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 19:34:15 GMT not_yet <user at domain.invalid> writes:
> also wanted to ask is there a faq for this group?
there is one for #python on IRC.
many of the questions asked here
have been answered in the python FAQ.

here are a few of the subjects such a FAQ might cover.

don't cross post to c.l.*
  many people read via email and their answers won't travel.
  language wars are futile because python is a moving target.

how much to quote in your reply? 
  remember this list is gated and many people read through email and
probably cant refer back to earlier messages, for that matter people
reading on other than google might not save every message so please
always include enough context that the reply, (even a thankyou if you
must) makes sense and stands on its own as a message.

don't top post.
  makes a little sense on google but nowhere else.
  no exceptions.

ask smart questions, get better answers.

please do some searching for the answer before you post.
   word +python -monty -snake 
  in your search to improve the chances of getting 
  useful information. you can also search at google or 
  ASPN at ActiveState in only this newsgroup.

we will try to guess but for the best chance of getting the answer,
properly describe the problem you are having and what you expect.

choose a good subject line. 
  "help, nubee problem" etc are not descriptive.  heh
   eliminate inadvertant redundancies in the subject. 
   include modifiers like
     [OT] off topic, ...(long),ANN: , as applicable.
   try not to misspell major subject words.

give your operating system and version and any 
  relevant hardware info the python version
  and how it was compiled if known.

test any code before you post. don't guess.
pare down any examples to the bare minimum 
to present the error.
post a few lines of sample test data.
copy & paste any error traceback.
don't re edit the code you post from the interpreter.

don't post with tabs
  in outlook express and a few other news/email
  readers they get deleted. 
  above all don't mix tabs and spaces. 
  get an editor that will translate tabs for you.

the act of making a useful post will 
  often provide the answer for yourself.
  feel free to post the q&a for comment anyway.

post text not hTml.

please don't post test messages.
don't post test messages.
  test messages, except if your physically working on the email gateway
at aspn or are a nuisance even if you say test please don't
read etc. there are test groups for that.

if your soliciting downloads, please give the file size and any OS
restrictions. nothing worse for a window user to see some mac specific
stuff 20 minutes after a long download and examining the source for
errors. if you've packaged up the executable only version and no source
is going to be available many will want to know that too. specify the
python version so we can decide if requiring version 2.3 makes sense and
give enough details about the program function itself to know what the
GUI the potential limitations or any licence restrictions are.

if the post seems related to homework
expect to get hints and not running examples
with all the bells & whistles from every responder.

please don't repeat the question with more than 
one subject line from more than one address
more than once in a great while. you didn't see your
question because you or something down the line is lagged.
give it a day or two at least to reach you. 
and a few more for someone with a similar interest to respond.
in spite of the usual lightning response time normally seen.

chances are twisted already does it so please try that first. 

learn the difference between text and binary mode for files.

#when in doubt,
import this

* some ideas, words and or characters might have been lifted entirely
from earlier responses and no credit to them or their bots will be
** realize that the target audience for this type of information
has already proved adverse to guidance before posting.


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