numarray bug or my?

Marco Bubke marco at
Mon Feb 23 17:14:03 EST 2004


Ok, I get a reproduceable seqmentation fault.

Ok, fist the code:

cdef NumArray array_to_double(NumArray array):
  # maybe here is memoty leak!
  cdef NumArray flat_array_obj
  flat_array_obj = NA_InputArray(NA_updateDataPtr(array), tFloat64,
  return flat_array_obj
cdef NumArray array_to_int(NumArray array):
  # maybe here is memoty leak!
  cdef NumArray flat_array_obj
  flat_array_obj = NA_InputArray(NA_updateDataPtr(array), tInt32,
  return flat_array_obj

def un_project(GLdouble winx,  GLdouble winy, GLdouble winz, NumArray model
not None, NumArray proj not None, NumArray viewport not None):
  assert NA_elements(model) == 16 and NA_elements(proj) == 16 and
NA_elements(viewport) == 4,\
    "modelview matrix, projection matrix or viewport ar of the wrong size"
#  cdef GLdouble objx
#  cdef GLdouble objy
#  cdef GLdouble objz
#  cdef NumArray flat_model
#  cdef NumArray flat_proj
  cdef NumArray flat_view
#  flat_model = array_to_double(model)
#  flat_proj = array_to_double(proj)
  flat_view = array_to_int(viewport) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#  success = gluUnProject(winx, winy, winz,
<double*>NA_OFFSETDATA(flat_model), <double*>NA_OFFSETDATA(flat_proj),
<int*>NA_OFFSETDATA(flat_view), &objx, &objy, &objz)
#  assert success, 'failure in the unprojection'
  cdef NumArray new_array
  new_array = NA_NewArray(NULL, tFloat32, 1, 3)
#  new_array.fromlist([objx, objy, objz])
  return new_array

Ok, its in Pyrex and has a bug in   
flat_view = array_to_int(viewport), 
but I don't know why. If I change the code to 
flat_view = array_to_double(viewport)
its runnig without glitches. I really dont understand it.



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