print in multithreaded environement ???

Bob Ippolito bob at
Thu Feb 26 02:55:10 EST 2004

On 2004-02-26 00:37:23 -0500, vincent_delft at said:

> Thanks Josiah for the answer.
> but in my case each thread will have his own buffer and stdout will be
> redirect to it.
> Following your example, I think that what I'm talking about should be like
> this :
> import time
> from threading import Thread
> import sys
> def funct(i):
>      fid=open('/tmp/' % i,'w')
>      sys.stdout=fid
>      for j in xrange(50):
>         print i,j,
>         time.sleep(0)
>      fid.close()
> for i in xrange(50): Thread(target=funct, args=(i,)).start()
> If I run it, I've the result I expected: counter from 0 to 49 in each file.
> Thus sys.stdout is not a shared object between each thread. It's his
> redirection to the console which is common. Thus, problems occurs when 
> we link it to a shared output (like a console or
> single output file).
> Am I correct ?

What you actually want to try and do is:

print >>fid, i, j,

Using a global output for multiple threads at the same time is an 
absolutely awful idea..

dont_try_this_at_home = """
it is possible to make sys.stdout a special kind of object that writes 
to different streams depending on the thread id, or at least I would 
assume so because I have done it for stackless tasklets.  However, the 
*only* reason I did it that way because what I was writing was an 
multi-interpreter GUI environment, so the print statements and 
sys.stdout were something I did not have any control over.

In either case, I learned a lesson trying to do this:

Python (short of PyPy) is not capable of doing in-process 
"sub-interpreters"  for arbitrary code in any reliable way.

If I were to hack at it again, I would rip that out and emulate IDLE.  
It spawns a new process for each interpreter and communicates with it 
over some kind of file descriptor (socket, pipe, etc.).  This is more 
scalable anyway, because Python has the dreaded GIL.

My general rule is to avoid threads whenever possible, because in many 
cases they aren't going to be faster anyway (unless their primary 
function is to call a C function that releases the GIL, like maybe 
communicating with a blocking database library) and that it is hard to 
debug threaded programs that aren't working quite right.  If you don't 
like writing asynchronous code explicitly, look into Stackless Python ;)


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