python vs. perl

Chris Herborth chrish at
Mon Feb 16 08:12:37 EST 2004

Patio87 wrote:

>     Hi I was wondering which was better for doing stuff like, GUI programs, and
> gaming, and maybe even network stuff for games? I know python and am learning
> c++, but because of ease of use I want to know which is better, because I might
> want to drop python and go to perl. Unless Im swayed to stay with
> python......AM I missing out on anything by not knowing perl?

Personally, I prefer Python, C#, and C++ (in that order, usually; depends on 
what I'm doing, what platforms I want to support, etc.) for programming.  I 
find Perl hard to read, despite several attempts to dig into the language.

What I _have_ been using Perl for over the last, oh, 7+ years, is complex 
search and replace... it makes a fantastic sed replacement.

Over the last 9 years, I've been working mostly in SGML and XML, and having 
a killer search/replace tool really makes life easier for tweaking things in 

The SGML and XML processing tools have always been written in Python though.

Right too for the job, YMMV, etc. ;-)

Chris Herborth                                     chrish at
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.

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