F: How can I make re.sub() replace patterns across newlines

Karl Pflästerer sigurd at 12move.de
Sun Feb 1 20:15:19 EST 2004

Viktor Rosenfeld <- rosenfel at informatik.hu-berlin.de wrote:

> I want to strip a JAVA file of /* */ like comments.  Unfortunately, the
> simple regexp "\/\*.*\*\/" only works on comments, that are on one line. 
> Is there a simple way to remove comments that go across several lines with
> python regexp's?  I tried re.M to no avail.

You must use re.S

,----[ Python lib reference ]
| `S'
|      Make the `.' special character match any character at all,
|      including a newline; without this flag, `.' will match anything
|      _except_ a newline.


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aber die meisten mit Unrecht.  
                             Karl Kraus 'Aphorismen'

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