Creating Self Extracting Zip using Python

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Tue Feb 17 23:44:33 EST 2004

> I know people get their rocks off here patronizing newbies, but how 
> about pointing them to the tutor list instead?

I don't know if it is patronizing newbies.  I think it is more expecting 
them to read the documentation that is available via keyword search at 

So few people actually spend the time to do /any/ sort of research into 
their question, preferring to ask before they try to answer themselves. 
  95%+ of questions asked here can be answered with a quick browsing of 
the tutorial, standard library, or google search.  Do we encourage such 
things, or should we point out that their questions can be easily 
answered with a proper keyword search?

  - Josiah

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