xmlprclib/server not reusing connections

Roger Binns rogerb at rogerbinns.com
Tue Feb 24 00:57:55 EST 2004

> You might have better luck with Twisted http://twistedmatrix.com/.

I did look at twisted but really don't like it.  In particular I really
don't like the event driven code, that has to add callbacks and
deal with partial state when called.

That is certainly the right way to do things if you want to avoid
using threads.  It is however complicated and convoluted.  See this


The model I far prefer is to use multiple threads (available on all
major Python platforms) and use worker threads with work queues.
They turn out to be simpler since they don't have queue callbacks
or effectively be a glorified state machine scattered across
several functions.

> Glancing at that, it looks like using Twisted to implement that would be a
> lot easier, and shorter.

Except it wouldn't unless twisted already had the necessary functionality
which it doesn't.  I would have to go through a similar exercise with
twisted, which is far more complicated.


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