Python as replacement for PHP?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Feb 27 22:07:53 EST 2004

Bart Nessux wrote:


> Sorry, I disagree. As a business decision, it does border on stupidity. Why
> contemplate doing something with Python that would be tedious and difficult
> at best when PHP can do this task easily and quickly??? From a business
> (read practical point of view) it's stupid. From a religious (Mac fanatic
> like point of view), it makes sense.

Hey, god-father!
What enables you to make such all-or-nothing statements.
I'm very impressed by your visdom.

Do you know on which list you are posting? No?
It's name is Python.
This is a list for kind, open people, known to be open for
new ideas, always being open-minded, always talking after
thinking, and they never do thoughtless, absolute statements.
Especially, they never judge about things they have no idea about.

Therefore, I think you can do a much more elaborate, much more
detailed posting, instead of giving such statements, which
nobody can verify, especially if (s)he has different experience.

But I don't really care. Carry on with your own business decision.
Fortunately, it is not my decision, and even better,
I don't depend on it, what a relief! I'm sorry for others who do.

> The OP spoke of a DB driven dynamic Web site. One cannot think of such a
> thing without naturally thinking of PHP... python should not even come to
> mind for this task. Backend/server-side processing, sure, but not on the
> frontend. Use the RIGHT tool for the job. Python isn't the right tool here.

Unless you give us some more proof for your statements,
I only can say, with an unhappy absolute statement:

*You are absolutely, completely wrong*.

Please, try to prove your claims or spoil a different list
with such statements. I see no evidence, since I have very
different experience, and I *did* try more than one approach,
before speaking up this way!

For a more friendly reply, see Dave Brueck's post.
I couldn't do that.

annoyed-ly-shutting-up -- chris

p.s.: don't start a flame war. I won't answer. I will also not
begin to give you a private tutorial for free.
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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