[ANN] pygsl version 0.2.0 has been released

Pierre Schnizer schnizer at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Feb 9 03:25:39 EST 2004

PyGSL is a wrapper for the GNU Scientific Library. Get it from 

Up to now it provides the following modules:
     * Blas
     * Chebyshev
     * Combination
     * Const
     * Diff
     * Eigen
     * Fit
     * Ieee
     * Integrate
     * Interpolation
     * Linalg
     * Math
     * Minimize
     * Multifit
     * Multifit_nlin
     * Multimin
     * Multiroots
     * Odeiv
     * Permutation
     * Poly
     * Qrng
     * Rng 
     * Roots
     * Siman (Simulated Annealing)
     * Special Functions
     * Spline

GSL >= 1.3 and numerical python are required.

Please send all bug reports, requests, patches to
pygsl-discuss at lists.sourceforge.net.

Sincerely yours,
          Pierre Schnizer
        Remove the "nospam" for a direct reply

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