a simple question... how to detect click action in another module?

Brian Kelley bkelley at wi.mit.edu
Sun Feb 15 17:16:03 EST 2004

Ringwraith wrote:
> Hello!
> How to detect in Python that some click action was performed in some module
> imported by my main module?

What you are talking about is an observer pattern.  Most GUI widgets 
supply an EVENT mechanism that when triggered call a python function. 
This event mechanism will be dependent upon your GUI toolkit.  I'm 
assuming that you are using a GUI, otherwise you can roll your own event 
mechanism or just use an existing one:


The basic Tkinter example is here, notice the frame.bind call:

wxpython has a full tree example in their demo, just install wxpython 
from http://wxpython.org/ and run the demo application.  Examining the 
source code will tell you how to capture wxpython tree-click events.

If you could be more specific about what GUI you are using, we could 
give you a more specific answer.

Brian Kelley

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