IDLE on Windows; save files as UNIX?

Jay O'Connor jayoconnor at
Sun Feb 29 11:33:21 EST 2004

I'm doing some Python CGI programming under Windows (Win95) but my CGIs need to 
run on Linux.  If I try to write and save the files in IDLE, they get saved in 
DOS format and won't run on the Linux server.  If I load the files into another 
text editor and explictely "Save As" in UNIX format, they work fine, but the 
other editor is not Python aware so I'd rather not have to use if for main 
development, and having to load and resave my scripts before uploading to the 
server is a bit obnoxious.

Is there any way to for IDLE in Windows to save files in UNIX format?

Note: Pythonwin does not work on my machine so I can't use it as an alternative


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