ANN: Snakelets 1.23 (simple-to-use web app server with dynamic pages)

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Sun Feb 22 14:41:58 EST 2004

I'm happy to say that Snakelets 1.23 is available.

Snakelets is a Python web application server,
released under the open-source MIT Software license.
You can download from

Most relevant changes since 1.22:

* fnmatch-style URL patters for snakelets (/doc/*.pdf)
* it's now possible to specify that snakelet/Ypage output may be
   cached by the browser (default=no caching allowed)
   If caching is allowed, the HTTP no-cache headers are omitted.
* Content-Disposition header can be set (just like Content-Type)
   You can use this to control downloading of files.
* some clean-ups in the way HTTP headers are added to the response
   (also for HEAD requests)
* Ypages can now begin with a comment <%!-- ... --%>
* fixed URL problems with the action links in the management webapp

--Irmen de Jong.

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