SWIG related: Error after installing m2crypto undefined symbol: EVP_rc5_32_12_16_ofb

Ng Pheng Siong ngps at netmemetic.com
Wed Feb 4 20:23:42 EST 2004

According to Sean <stuffduff at cox.net>:
> I went to 0.12 and got it working, docs in 0.12 seem 
> identical to 0.11, maybe the zip files need to be updated?

Yes, they do. ;-)

> Not quite yet.  I moved up to the 2.7 version of ZServerSSL.
> I had to correct a problem in z2s.py that was preventing z2s.py
> from workiong with python 2.2.3

I don't understand. The following command finds nothing:

  ngps at vista:~/prog/ngps/m2/demo/Zope27$ find . -name z2s.py

z2s.py is for Zope 2.6 and is found in demo/Zope/.

> I also had to relocate some certificate related files (since I use
> instances)

As mentioned in demo/Zope27/INSTALL.txt:

  The following files are to be copied to the corresponding directories
  in your <instance-home>:
  - instance_home/ssl/ca.pem
  - instance_home/ssl/server.pem
  - instance_home/ssl/dh1024.pem

> After logging this to the file it spits another message to the screen
> about can't find file attribute _pyfree.  

_pyfree is used in M2Crypto to denote whether a given C pointer should be
freed on the Python side or the C side. In the case of a C-level crap-out,
a Python hashtable^Wobject instance ;-) is incompletely initialised so may
not have the _pyfree attribute. It is a benign error, in that, by the time
you get here, the python process should be cleaning up and on its way out.

Please try the steps in demo/Zope27/INSTALL.txt.

Oh, I believe I've only tested Zope 2.7 using Python 2.1 (or whichever
version zope.org's docs recommends specifically). I can't keep up with all
these version variations.


Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at netmemetic.com> 

http://firewall.rulemaker.net -+- Firewall Change Management & Version Control
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