print in multithreaded environement ???

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Wed Feb 25 17:21:44 EST 2004

> Does sys.stdout is a seperate instance for each thread ?
> Does sys.stdout is shared between all of them ?

sys.stdout, sys.stdin and sys.stderr are all shared.

> Does any one has experience with that ?

Yes.  As soon as a thread uses up its timeslice, it is paused.  Sending 
a lot of information to sys.stdout, or doing any non-trivial computation 
is a good way of using up a is sleeping for an 
arbitrarily small amount of time, even 0.

Run the following code to see how it behaves.

import time
from threading import Thread
def funct(i):
     for j in xrange(50):
             print i,

for i in xrange(50): Thread(target=funct, args=(i,)).start()

  - Josiah

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