Newbie lost

Angelo Secchi secchi at
Wed Feb 25 11:47:03 EST 2004

I'm fighting with a binary file and I am definitely lost.
I know that each line of the file has a first part that is a string with
length 113 and then that there is a group of identical fields. I do not
know the precise format of these fields even if I know that the file was
created on an IBM Mainframe and that in the binary part there should be
223 fields with the same width 4.
Just to give you an idea if I read the first line of my file  as a
string I obtain something like (just a small part of the first line):


Still I am not able to convert this binary. Can anybody give some


 Angelo Secchi                     PGP Key ID:EA280337
  Current Position:
  Graduate Fellow Scuola Superiore S.Anna
  Piazza Martiri della Liberta' 33, Pisa, 56127 Italy
  ph.: +39 050 883365
  email: secchi at

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