[ANN] pyreverse 0.5

Alexandre Alexandre.Fayolle at logilab.fr
Tue Feb 17 13:07:34 EST 2004

I'm pleased to announce the 0.5 release of PyReverse, after a long time
without much development. This is a refactoring release, essentially
to use the same underlying model as PyLint. Please Consider this
release as beta software.

What's new ?
* removed pystats which is now included  in pylint

* rewritten to use logilab.common.astng instead of a custom underlying

* refactored the diagrams generation and uses

* pyvcg and pystats can now extract a diagram starting from a given class
  and including all parents and associated classes

* simpler filter modes

* slight improvments of unit test generation

* added a bunch of unit tests :)

What's pyreverse ?
Pyreverse is a set of utilities for Python code reverse engineering. 
It uses a representation of a Python project in a class hierarchy which
can be used to extract information (such as generate UML diagrams or 
unit tests, as provided by pyargo and py2tests)

Home page


You will also need the latest logilab.common module, avaialble at

Mailing list

Alexandre Fayolle                              LOGILAB, Paris (France).
http://www.logilab.com   http://www.logilab.fr  http://www.logilab.org
Advanced computing - Python - Customized trainings - Consulting - XML
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