Creating Self Extracting Zip using Python

Calvin FONG hoi.wai at
Thu Feb 19 09:36:55 EST 2004

Peter Hansen wrote:
> DH wrote:
>>Peter Hansen wrote:
>>>Calvin FONG wrote:
>>>>By the way, what does HTH stands for?
>>>Google is your friend, as usual. :-)
>>I know people get their rocks off here patronizing newbies, but how
>>about pointing them to the tutor list instead?
> How would that have helped?  Does the "tutor list" have a service
> for answering questions about what commonly used acronyms mean?
> I wasn't aware of that...
> By the way, "patronizing" has a primary meaning of "to act as a 
> patron towards; to support; to aid", so I'll take your comment
> as a compliment.  (And thank you!)
> Also, having checked the meanings of "stupid" that I find on 
> the web, I would have to say that there *are* stupid 
> questions.  Stupid can be "very dull, insensible" and "resulting
> from stupidity; formed without skill or genius".  I thought the 
> question was more lazy or just indicating of inexperience than
> stupid, though.
> Calvin, is very likely neither stupid nor lazy, but just new, 
> and he didn't think to use Google.  I gave a helpful pointer to 
> it and, after a few more such incidents occur, he'll likely turn 
> to it first in the future.  (I'm sure we all went through periods 
> where we didn't think of Google first for such things.  I know 
> mine lasted several years!)
> Lastly, why not try helping newbies or others from time to time
> yourself, instead of simply criticizing those who do?
> -Peter
Thz, Peter, I'm new and I just need some guidance.
Thank you for your support.

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