Installing RPM rebuild and failed dependency

Brent L Johnson brent at
Fri Feb 20 14:21:15 EST 2004

I'm running Redhat9 and I want to install Python2.3.  I downloaded
the src RPM file and following the directions
(i.e. rpmbuild --rebuild python2.3-2.3.3-2pydotorg.src.rpm).

This runs configure, compiled and dumps all the rpms in my
main RPM directory.  I've got BerkeleyDB installed in

When I try and install the built RPM I get the following error:
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by python2.3-2.3.3-2pydotorg

That file is located in /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/lib but the
RPM install apparently cant find it.  I tried creating a
symbolic link in /usr/lib to the file and
I still get the same error.

Any ideas?


- Brent

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