New SolarWolf, 1.5

Pete Shinners pete at
Wed Feb 18 11:03:29 EST 2004

Peter Strempel wrote:
> First impression: "Wow"
> Second impression: "This is all pure Python???"

Definitely all Python. Some of it "cleaner" than others. I've been working 
on this for awhile now and I've learned a lot since I started. I've set it 
up so the 'Binary Installers' still run from full source code.

When writing a game like this in Python, performance is always a concern. 
SolarWolf ends up being very careful with the graphics with what is cleared, 
drawn, and updated. When you get down to it, drawing all the graphics still 
takes a large percentage of the runtime. It's still pretty easy to make a 
Python game that runs too slow.

There's a few other great looking Python games that have gotten pretty mature.


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