Error in 2.2.1 Tkinter? (was: limiting text input in Tkinter Entry widget)

Cameron Laird claird at
Sun Feb 22 18:28:41 EST 2004

In article <103i0ij3hnd4n76 at>, I wondered:
>  import Tkinter
>  root = Tkinter.Tk()
>  def validate(name, index, mode):
>    value = root.getvar(name)
>      # Truncate the entry text to its first four characters.
>    root.setvar(name, value[0:4])
>  my_variable = Tkinter.StringVar()
>  my_variable.trace_variable('w', validate)
>  my_entry = Tkinter.Entry(width = 4, textvariable = my_variable)
>  my_entry.pack()
>  Tkinter.mainloop
>In practice, one would likely encapsulate the "bookkeeping" in
>an object.
>The problem is that, when I run this example, Tkinter tosses the
>  TclError: can't read "PY_VAR0": no such variable
>This surprises me.  I'm *sure* I've done this before.  Before I
>dive into the distribution source code, is it obvious to anyone
>else what I'm missing?
I should mention that
  import Tkinter

  root = Tkinter.Tk()

  def validate(name, index, mode):
    value = my_variable.get()

  my_variable = Tkinter.StringVar()
  my_variable.trace('w', validate)

  my_entry = Tkinter.Entry(width = 4, textvariable = my_variable)

*does* model the desired behavior, and is easy enough to "objectify".
I still don't understand getvar() behavior, though.

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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