list addition methods compared.

Ishwor ishwor.gurung at
Sat Dec 25 23:12:12 EST 2004

Hi all
I have just wrote a small script to compare the speed of list addition methods.
heres what it looks like.
#compare the speeds of 3 different type of list element addition
import time
def method(TYPE):
    l1 = [];
    l2 = [];
    l3 = [];

    if TYPE == 1:
        finish = 0;
        start = 0;
        start = time.time();
        for y in range(0,3):
            for x in range(0,10000):
                l1 = l1 + [x];# type 1
            l1 = [];        
            finish += time.time();
        averageFinish = finish/3;
        #m = float(finish-start);
        print "Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) -
%.10f" %(averageFinish-start);
    if TYPE == 2:
        finish = 0;
        start = 0;
        start = time.time();
        for y in range(0,3):
            for x in range(0,10000):
                l2 = l2 + [x];# type 2
            l2 = [];
            finish += time.time();
        averageFinish = finish/3;
        #m = float(finish-start);
        print "Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) -
%.10f" %(averageFinish-start);
    if TYPE == 3:
        finish = 0;
        start = 0;
        start = time.time();
        for y in range(0,3):
            for x in range(0,10000):
                l3 +=  [x];# type 3
            l3 = [];
            finish += time.time();
        averageFinish = finish/3;
        #m = float(finish-start);
        print "Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) -
%.10f" %(averageFinish-start);

print "@@@@@@@";
print "@@@@@@@";

So far i think it does good. Running it 3 times gives

Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1560001373
Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1619999409
Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 0.0106666088

Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1610000134
Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1253333092
Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 0.0156667233

Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1563334465
Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1716668606
Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 0.0106668472

So i can assume that type 3 ( l3 += [x] ) addition is the fastest . Is
there anything i am doing wrong?? Also could this code be beautified
&& shortened??

Ishwor Gurung

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