Lambda going out of fashion

Craig Ringer craig at
Thu Dec 23 02:30:58 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 12:47, Keith Dart wrote:
> On 2004-12-23, Stephen Thorne <stephen.thorne at> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I'm a little worried about the expected disappearance of lambda in
> > python3000. I've had my brain badly broken by functional programming
> > in the past, and I would hate to see things suddenly become harder
> > than they need to be.
> I use Python lambda quite a bit, and I don't understand the recent noise
> about problems with it, and its removal. I don't have a problem with
> lambdas.
> My personal gripe is this. I think the core language, as of 2.3 or 2.4
> is very good, has more features than most people will ever use, and they
> (Guido, et al.) can stop tinkering with it now and concentrate more on
> the standard libraries. 

As someone working with the Python/C API, I'd have to argue that the
Python language may (I express no opinion on this) be "Done", but
CPython doesn't look like it is.

In my view a bunch of minor, but irritating, issues exist:

  It's hard to consistently support Unicode in extension modules without
doing a lot of jumping through hoops. Unicode in docstrings is
particularly painful. This may not be a big deal for normal extension
modules, but when embedding Python it's a source of considerable
frustration. It's also not easy to make docstrings translatable.
Supporting an optional encoding argument for docstrings in the
PyMethodDef struct would help a lot, especially for docstrings returned
by translation mechanisms.

  Py_NewInterpreter/Py_EndInterpreter used in the main thread doesn't
work with a threaded Python debug build, calling abort(). If a
non-threaded Python is used, or a non-debug build, they appear to work
fine. There are some indications on the mailing list that this is due to
Python's reliance on thread-local-storage for per-interpreter data, but
there are no suggestions on how to work around this or even solid
explanations of it. This sucks severely when embedding Python in Qt
applications, as GUI calls may only be made from the main thread but
subinterepreters may not be created in the main thread. It'd be
fantastic if the subinterpreter mechanism could be fleshed out a bit. I
looked at it, but my C voodo just isn't up there. The ability to run
scripts in private interpreters or subinterpreters (that are disposed of
when the script terminates) would be immensely useful when using Python
as a powerful glue/scripting language in GUI apps.

  IMO the reference behaviour of functions in the C API could be
clearer. One often has to simply know, or refer to the docs, to tell
whether a particular call steals a reference or is reference neutral.
Take, for example, PyDict_SetItemString vs PyMapping_SetItemString . Is
it obvious that one of those steals a reference, and one is reference
neutral? Is there any obvious rationale behind this? I'm not overflowing
with useful suggestions about this, but I do think it'd be nice if there
was a way to more easily tell how functions behave in regard to
reference counts.

  Const. I know there's a whole giant can of worms here, but even so -
some parts of the Python/C API take arguments that will almost always be
string literals, such as format values for Py_BuildValue and
PyArg_ParseTuple or the string arguments to Py*_(Get|Set)String calls.
Many of these are not declared const, though they're not passed on to
anywhere else. This means that especially in c++, one ends up doing a
lot of swearing and including a lot of ugly and unnecessary string
copies or const_cast<char*>()s to silence the compiler's whining. It
would be nice if functions in the Python/C API would declare arguments
(not return values) const if they do not pass them on and do not change

Of course, all these are just my opinion in the end, but I'd still have
to argue that using Python from C could be a lot nicer than it is. The
API is still pretty good, but the solution of these issues would make it
a fair bit nicer again, especially for people embedding Python in apps
(a place were it can seriously excel as a scripting/extension/glue

Craig Ringer

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