installing wxPython on Linux and Windows

Michael Hobbs mike at
Fri Dec 3 11:00:38 EST 2004

Daniel Bickett <dbickett at> wrote:
>> I have no way to build it on Windows though, as I don't have Visual C++
>> 7.1, for that we must wait for Robin Dunn.
> Would it be too difficult of a task to try getting the build working
> with Dev-C++? That way those without enough incentive for purchasing
> Visual C++ (in excess of $100, I believe) could build it. Forgive my
> ignorance if this has already been considered ;)

I'm pretty sure that I once built wxPython using Cygwin. It was a 
while ago, though, and I was switching back and forth between windows
and Linux very frequently; so I may just be imagining it...

- Mike

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