python programming help

Alfred Canoy alred at
Tue Dec 7 01:35:20 EST 2004

Thanks for the input:-) I made a mean, median & mode program. I'm trying to figure how can I store this program in another file and opens the file to display. Any idea what to add in my source code. Thanks!

# compute the Mean, Median & Mode of a list of numbers:

sum = 0.0

print 'This program will take several numbers then average them'
count = input(' How many numbers would you like to sum: ')
current_count = 0

while current_count < count:
        current_count = current_count + 1
num_list = []        
while len (num_list) < count:
        number = input ('Enter a number: ')
        print "Number", current_count,":",number
        sum = sum + number

print num_list

def median(alist):
    list_of_numbers = alist[:]
    listLen = len(list_of_numbers)
    middleIndex = (listLen - 1)/2
    if listLen % 2 == 1:
        # odd number of elements. return middle element
        return list_of_numbers[middleIndex]
        # even number of element. return average of middle 2 elements
        return (list_of_numbers[middleIndex] + list_of_numbers[middleIndex + 1]) / 2.0
if __name__ == '__main__':
  def mode(alist):
    start = 1
    current = 0
    new = 0
    for i in alist:
        if alist.count(i) >  start:
            current = alist.count(i)
            start = current
            new = i
    if new > 1:
        return new
        return "All members of [%s] are modes." %alist
print 'mean:', sum/count
print 'median:',median (num_list)
print 'mode:',mode (num_list)

 _ _
_ _
Alfred Canoy
Agana, Guam
Pacific time
alred at
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