XUL Parser?

Alberto Berti alberto at metapensiero.it
Thu Dec 2 07:01:36 EST 2004

I'm slowly developing a "thin client environment" that will use xul, or a part
of it as gui language, all done in python and that uses python instead of js as
scripting language and "event binding". It builds the gui using pyGTK.

Who is interested can find more info here:


The project is currently halted due to time constraints. On the repository there
is a tag "0.1" from wich the demo was generated, the "HEAD" is not functional
yet and it's current 0.2 code, a release  that will add:
  - a test suite;

  - remote loading of xul files and python libraries with support for
    "file", "http", "https", "ftp" url schemes, with remote import of python
    modules too;

  - importing of external module via <script src="<an url>"/>

  - refactoring of the overall environment;

If you are interested, please download the code and contribute, it's GPL.

bye, Alberto

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