embedding: forcing an interpreter to end

pdectm at yahoo.com pdectm at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 21 22:03:46 EST 2004

> Is there any signal handler you can use in your C program? Maybe
> yourself will get the control back to the C program and then you can
> the interpreter.

Well, the app is multi-threaded, so I do have a big issue getting
control back to my C program.  I just can not seem to cleanly stop the
interpreter.  The best I could do is:

void terminateInterpreter( PyInterpreterState *interp )
PyGILState_STATE gilstate;
PyObject *exc;
PyThreadState *tstate;

gilstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(interp->tstate);

exc = PyString_FromString("Die");
PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(interp->tstate->thread_id, exc);


> You have a Python port to uClinux?

Nope, not yet.  That would have been my next post :-)  I thought there
would have been much more work on cross-compiling and porting Python.
I may need to reconsider if Python is appropriate; the other
possibiities are javascript or lua.

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