Bug in inspect.py for python 2.3?

Fernando Perez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 17 19:28:11 EST 2004

Terry Reedy wrote:

> [I removed the blank lines which made it diffificult to cut and paste.]
> [Here is the output (from 2.2) you forgot to include'-):]

Yes, that's exactly the output I see.  Note that in ipython I have had to
protect ALL calls for inspect.get* functions in blanket excepts, because after
python 2.3, I started getting crash reports left and right.  Unfortunately
they've all been generated by outside users after long interactive sessions,
and never has anyone been able to give me a small example which can reproduce
the problem (except for the one today).

Somehow, the inspect module became massively more brittle after python2.3,
because those problems never happened with 2.2 (though today's does appear
with 2.2).  It's really a shame that I don't have nice small test cases so we
could track these bugs down.

> If the same happens in 2.4, I would probably report it after looking a bit
> at the inspect code and after adding a debug print before the getargvalues
> call to see if the second record values looks as sane as the first set.  If
> you want a fix in 2.3.5, coming January, a patch would more likely get
> action than just a bug report.

Thanks for the note.  Unfortunately, I don't have time right now to work with
2.4, I'm too swamped with other things.  But it would be nice if someone else
can find the time :)



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