Python vs. Perl

Christopher De Vries devries at
Sat Dec 11 13:13:21 EST 2004

Roy Smith already touched on regular expressions, but as far as
features go, I would say that the real difference between python and
perl is not in the features, but in the philosophy. It seems to me that
any program you can write in python could also be written in perl. What
it comes down to for me was which language most fit the way I tend to
think. I decided python was that language, and I found everything very
intuitive. I have a good friend who thinks in perl and is very
productive using it.

Other people might disagree, but when I was looking at perl and python
I borrowed recent copies of "Learning Perl" and "Learning Python"  from
the O'Reilly series and after reading each, decided I preferred python.
You can find out about most of the features in those books.


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