logging in omniORB for python

Diez B. Roggisch deetsNOSPAM at web.de
Wed Dec 15 06:00:28 EST 2004

> Does anyone know, were the log data is? And how I can store it in a file?
> By the way I ask also the omniORB mailing list, but here are the python
> experts.

it gets written to stdout - and then looks like this:

omniORB: ObjRef(IDL:ehotel.de/omphalos/Domain:1.0) -- deleted.
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 76 bytes
4749 4f50 0102 0100 4000 0000 1400 0000 GIOP.... at .......
0300 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 fe81 18c0 ................
4100 0016 9800 0000 0002 0000 1600 0000 A...............
6765 7454 7261 6e73 6163 7469 6f6e 436f getTransactionCo
6e74 6578 7400 4c3a 0000 0000           ntext.L:....

So check out what happens to you stdout.


Diez B. Roggisch

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