A little threading problem

Alban Hertroys alban at magproductions.nl
Wed Dec 1 10:11:24 EST 2004

Hello all,

I need your wisdom again. I'm working on a multi-threaded application 
that handles multiple data sources in small batches each time. The idea 
is that there are 3 threads that run simultaneously, each read a fixed 
number of records, and then they wait for eachother. After that the main 
thread does some processing, and the threads are allowed to continue 
reading data.

I summarized this part of the application in the attached python script, 
which locks up rather early, for reasons that I don't understand (I 
don't have a computer science education), and I'm pretty sure the 
problem is related to what I'm trying to fix in my application. Can 
anybody explain what's happening (Or maybe even show me a better way of 
doing this)?


Alban Hertroys,
MAG Productions.
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