ANN: Python Test Environment

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at
Tue Dec 14 11:23:17 EST 2004

Well sort of.......

More a request for comments really - to see if anyone is interested in

I've created a script that will build a 'test environment'. Windoze(tm)
only as it uses py2exe.

It scans your Python\Lib folder and builds a script that *fakes* an
import of every file. This *more* or less amounts to everything in the
standard lib. There is then another script that turns this into a
python executable.

The result is an executable that will run any python script. It gives
sensible values to sys.path, sys.argv and __file__.

This is useful for two purposes :

1) Easily have test environments for multiple versions of python - to
test your scripts.
2) Run any python script on a machine without python installed.

Usage :

testenv <python file> arg1 arg2...

Which should be the equivalent of :
python <python file> arg1 arg2...

Sample output :
(Built with Python 2.4 - then 2.3 - prints sys.version first)


D:\New Folder\testenv>testenv arg1 arg2 arg3
2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

sys.path = ['D:\\New Folder\\testenv\\', 'D:\\New
Folder\\testenv', '
D:\\New Folder\\testenv']

sys.argv = ['D:\\New Folder\\testenv\\', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']

import Tkinter # succeeded

import dummylibrary # succeeded

D:\New Folder\testenv>


D:\Python Projects\modules in progress\py2exe-testenv\dist>testenv arg1
2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)]

sys.path = ['D:\\Python Projects\\modules in
\\', 'D:\\Python Projects\\modules in
'D:\\Python Projects\\modules in progress\\py2exe-testenv\\dist']

sys.argv = ['D:\\Python Projects\\modules in
progress\\py2exe-testenv\\dist\\tes', 'arg1', 'arg2']

import Tkinter # succeeded

import dummylibrary # succeeded

D:\Python Projects\modules in progress\py2exe-testenv\dist>


I'm sure this can be improved in lots of ways - only about an hours
hacking or so - but already useful to me. Comments and suggestions for
improvements welcomed.



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