thread/queue bug

phil phillip.watts at
Fri Dec 10 17:18:51 EST 2004

And sorry I got ticked, frustrating week

 >And I could help more, being fairly experienced with
 >threading issues and race conditions and such, but
 >as I tried to indicate in the first place, you've
 >provided next to no useful (IMHO) information to
 >let anyone help you more than this

This is about 5% of the code.
Uses no locks.
I am mystified, I have written probably 100,000 lines
of Python and never seen a thread just lock up and quit
running.  It happens on a Queue() statement so my suspicion
is a bug.  ??

I have kludged around it by putting all the thread/queue stuff
in the main program and import the stuff I don't want to
distribute.  But mysteries haunt your dreams, sooo...


from threading import *
from time import *
from Queue import Queue
from socket import *
import sys
import os

# glob is a DUMMY CLASS

glob.listenq = Queue(1000)

def listener():
	while 1:
	    msg,addrport = listenersocket.recvfrom(BUFSIZE)
	    addr = addrport[0]
	    glob.listenq.put (( msg,addr),1)
	    if msg == 'DIE': break
def procmsgs():
	while 1:
	    msg,addr = glob.listenq.get(1)
	    if msg == 'DIE': break
	    wds = msg.split(';')
	    if wds[0] == 'S': recvsucc(msg); continue
	    if wds[0] == 'E': recvevent(msg); continue
	    if wds[0] == 'ACK': recvack(msg[4:]); continue
	    if wds[0] == 'MONITOR':
	      if addr not in monitorlist:
		print 'This line ALWAYS PRINTS'
	        queuelist.append( Queue(0) )
		## The above fails if this code is imported
	        ## It doesn't matter whether it is imported
                 ##    as .py or .pyc
		## also mq = Queue(0); queuelist.append(mq) # fails
	        print 'This line ALWAYS PRINTS if i execute this source'
	        print 'but NEVER PRINTS if I import '
		print 'this source from a 1 line program'
	        print 'Thats weird'
		monitoron.append( 1 )
	        monitorlist.append( addr )

queuelist = [Queue(0)]

listenersocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)

procm = Thread(target=procmsgs)
listenr = Thread(target=listener)

## Then start a bunch of other threads and queuea.

Don't spend a lot of time on this, not worth it.
I just thought someone might have experienced
something similar.

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