Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?

huy nytimes at
Wed Dec 22 18:31:22 EST 2004

Dave Cook wrote:
> On 2004-12-20, Paul Rubin <http> wrote:
>>I think I can put together a useable (but not visually stunning) web
>>interface faster than I can put together any pure client-side
> Web browser "widgets" seem pretty limited to me, though.  You don't even
> have something as simple as a combo box (i.e. an editable entry with a drop
> down), let alone the rich set of widgets something like wxwidgets offers.
> Also web development doesn't seem as coherent to me as development with a
> good GUI framework.

I think it depends on your target audience. Many people love simplicity. 
  Many people hate multiple tabs, tree structures, deep nested menus etc 
etc. If you wanted to make a web program as complex as a rich client 
program then it's probably a bad idea to do as a web program. But If you 
wanted to keep it simple, then I'd go with a web program any day.


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