simple GUI question

vincent wehren vincent at
Wed Dec 8 00:12:49 EST 2004

Roose wrote:
> I have been writing only command line programs in python, and I need a way
> to simply pop up a GUI dialog box, with an "OK" box.  Simple huh?
> I have used tkMessageBox.showwarning.  This works OK but it also pops up an
> empty frame -- i.e. it pops up 2 things.  Is there a way to disable this, or
> is there an alternate way of doing things?  OK call me anal, but it bothers
> me.

You want somthing like:

root = Tkinter.Tk()
msg = tkMessageBox.showwarning("Ooops", "Some warning")

Vincent Wehren

> Another thing I would *like* but is not strictly necessary would be to
> change the font size and color of the text within the box.  Is there a good
> way of doing that?  
I have googled around but can't find any decent example
> code for some reason.
> I can use Python 2.3 only, and only stuff that is included in the standard
> install.  For something so trivial I can't roll out a new version of Python
> or any additional software.
> So I assume Tkinter is pretty much my only option, or is that not the case?
> Thanks for any help.
> Roose

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