Why would I use inspect.isclass()?

It's me itsme at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 30 12:59:14 EST 2004

"Steve Holden" <steve at holdenweb.com> wrote in message
news:ecXAd.64160$Jk5.21357 at lakeread01...
> Well the basic idea is "treat what you've been passed as though it is
> the type you wanted". When it's only you writing the code that's likely
> going to be the case. When it's others, you have to be a little more
> careful to catch the exceptions (except when you don;t bother, in which
> case the users will have to understand the tracebacks).

I grew up in an environment that believes in prevention, rather then
after-the-fact fixing.   That's why it's hard for me to delegate error
checking tasks to exception, rather then assert - it just feel so...."nake".

Anyway, points taken.

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