
Kartic kartic.krishnamurthy at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 09:00:29 EST 2004

You might want to try using the SetColumnWidth method and give the
column width in pixels. The user (or you) can the read the entire
contents by dragging the column marker to the right (or you can give a
tooltip that displays the entire list control item when the moused

self.lc.SetColumnWidth(0, 200) # Set the first list control column to
200 pixels.

If you want the column to "auto adjust" to the length of the column
header, no matter how long the row contents are, you cann use

self.lc.SetColumnWidth(0, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)

But when you drag out the column to read more the Horizontal Scroll bar
might appear. In my limited knowledge, I can not tell whether or not
there is anything you can do about it. I don't think there is a way to
just prevent the H. Scroll Bar from appearing at all.


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