J2 proposal: keyword

François Pinard pinard at iro.umontreal.ca
Mon Aug 23 12:51:29 EDT 2004

[Robert Brewer]

> III. Choosing a keyword

> If a keyword is to be chosen over @ or other punctuation, the question
> remains, "which word should it be?" [...] The keyword [...] should not
> be a word with a planned future. This rules out "with" and "as"

All the contrary, being a word with a planned future may be an advantage, as
long as using that word makes enough sense in itself, and given the syntax we
use have no chance of clashing with the planned syntax.

This might rule out "as" because not meaningful enough, but "with" might
be pertinent enough for being used -- yet I'm not fully sure.  The word
"using" is surely not bad either :-), but would be yet another keyword.

François Pinard   http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~pinard

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