Popular Python projects with lots of pure Python code

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Tue Aug 10 00:30:06 EDT 2004

Brett C. wrote:

> So I am trying to come up with a list of projects I can use to get my 
> stats from.  the stdlib is a no-brainer.  Also plan to use Docutils. 
> But beyond those most of the big Python projects I can think of have a 
> ton of C code which is of no use to me.  I don't need to be able to 
> run it, just going to be compiling to .py files.
> Any suggestions?

First that spring to mind:

    * Zope3 (198,000 lines of Python code in the checkout I'm counting)
    * Twisted (129,000 lines of code in the version I have, tends toward
      very idiomatic usage due to the asynchronous nature, so be aware
      of potential skew in the results)
    * Mailman (don't have it installed to check)
    * Boa Constructor (63,000 lines, with some of that auto-generated IIRC)
    * PythonCard (52,000 lines)
    * PySNMP (14,000 lines)

And from my own projects:

    * OpenGLContext with the (included) vrml and (separate) TTFQuery
      dependencies (34,000 lines of Python code).
    * PyTable including the BasicProperty and BasicTypes dependencies
      (14,000 lines of Python code), but this one probably falls down on
      the "popular" grounds

Some of the other web frameworks may have reached the 100,000+ range, 
but I don't have them installed to check.  I would guess that some of 
the other GUI environments might be useful, e.g. Pythonwin (not 
including the win32 framework stuff) is 17,000 lines.  Other GUI 
environments are going to be larger I'd guess, but they'll also 
potentially be more of a mix of C and Python.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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