Time-date as an integer

Charles Hixson charleshixsn at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 24 02:27:23 EDT 2004

This is a concept, not a finished program, and an extract from a class 
at that...so forgive any illegalities, but:
import    datetime;
  def    calcNodeId(self):
    t    =    datetime.utcnow()
    val    =    t.year *    133920000000    +          #    12 months
                    t.month    *    11160000000    +    #    31 days
                    t.hour    *    3600000000    +         #    60 minutes
                    t.minute    *    60000000    +         #    60 seconds
                    t.second    *    1000000    +    t.microsecond
    if    val <=    self._dTime:
      val    =    self._dTime + 1
    self._dTime    =    val
    return    val

This is the best that I've been able to come up with in getting a 
date-time as an integer.  It feels like one of the time or date 
libraries should have a better solution, but if so, I haven't found it.  
Can anyone suggest a better approach?

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