error in python23.DLL

Aaron Prillaman prillamana at
Wed Aug 4 16:39:33 EDT 2004

I've already posted on w/no replies, 
so i guess this is my next stop.

I'm running a win32 c++ program from a shortcut.  When I run the program 
  from the build directory, it runs just fine, but when i run from the 
shortcut it crashes.  The libraries used by the program are direct draw 
and python23.  both of which are in the system32 folder.  the actual 
error that occurs is a direct draw error DDERR_INVALIDRECT(which is 
passed the same rect as parameter when the program works and when it 
doesn't).  I'm linking the program w/the multithreaded DLL runtime 
library (/MD.. i also used this to compile the python DLL).  I think the 
actual bug is somewhere in the python23.DLL, because when i build the 
project without it, everything runs fine.  One more thing, and I've 
saved the best for last: When i compile the program w/debug symbols, the 
error doesn't occur.  So far i've been trying to figure out whats 
overwriting my ddsurface(the only reason I can think of that 
DDERR_INVALIDRECT is getting thrown).  If anyone has any ideas on what 
might cause this, i would much appreciate it.

thanks in advance

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