How to set wxTextCtrl style to wxHSCROLL?

Tim timblack1 at
Sat Aug 21 01:31:44 EDT 2004

How can I set the style attribute in the following wxTextCtrl to a new
style AFTER I have already instantiated the wxTextCtrl?  I'm trying to
toggle the word wrap attribute of the wxTextCtrl, just like Edit->Word
Wrap does in Windows Notepad.  (I'm building a Windows Notepad clone
in wxPython to prove to a VB friend that it can be done.)

Here is the wxTextCtrl instantiation:

    self.txtEditor = wxTextCtrl(id=wxID_WXFRAME1TXTEDITOR,
        parent=self, pos=wxPoint(0, 0), size=wxSize(760, 492),
        style=wxTE_MULTILINE, value='')

Here is the code I've tried to set the style to a new value:

    def OnMnuEditWordwrapMenu(self, event):
        # TODO: implement word wrap
        self.txtEditor.SetStyle(0, self.txtEditor.GetLastPosition(),


What is the correct syntax?



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