Pyhton Interpreter Startup time

Neil Benn benn at
Fri Aug 13 03:48:50 EDT 2004

Peter Hansen wrote:

> <snip>
> I don't recall the OP in the last thread that discussed this
> ever coming back to report on exactly what OS and CPU etc.
> he was using, and whether network issues might be involved,
> etc, so until someone can prove otherwise, I think it's
> safe to assume that anyone with a slow startup on Windows
> has a misconfiguration or is doing something wrong.

          Hi, I'm the OP, my box is :

WinXP Pro
2.4Gz Processor
256M RAM

    As I said the first load takes 5 seconds and the consecutive loads 
take fractions of a second - my assumption is that Windows is caching 
something which is not suitable for my needs as it is not predictable 
enough.  There is no network issues involved in this, everything is 
running off the local hard drive.  I've just this moment run python 
after the box having done some work and being asleep overnight and the 
startup time was about 2 seconds.  I may be doing something wrong but 
the only configuration stuff I've done is to add into my environment 
variables :

PYTHON_HOME=c:\program files\python23

    This is simply to allow me to switch between different python 
directories when I start to install different versions (I do the same 
with the JVM).  If python can't start up quick on windows, that's fine, 
if I've got something miscofigured which can be fixed, that's fine too - 
I just need to know if there is a 'quick start up' mode but if there 
isn't then that's also fine.  It's just info I need to design what will 
be a very simple app.

    Thanks, for your help.




Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
BioInnovations Zentrum
Tatzberg 47

Tel : +49 (0)351 4173 154
e-mail : benn at
Cenix Website :

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