Secure storage for passwords for admin scripts?

Christopher A. Craig com-nospam at
Tue Aug 10 12:42:08 EDT 2004

mksql at (Max) writes:

> I have a collection of system admin scripts (on Win 2k) that I would
> like to automate the execution of. However, some of them require the
> use of logins with admin rights, and would therefore prefer not to
> store the IDs in the clear text of the source. If memory serves
> correctly, the "compiled" .pyc files do not provide much security in
> this area.
> Are there are recommended methods for supplying scripts with login
> information in a secure fashion?

You cannot store passwords in a secure fashion and extract them
automatically.  If there is an algorithm for extracting them (and
worse the algorithm is in the script) then they aren't secure.

Christopher A. Craig <com-nospam at>
"The problem with X is that it's overadequate" Dennis Ritchie

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