Paul Graham on Python hackers

Ville Vainio ville at
Sat Aug 7 09:43:58 EDT 2004

>>>>> "zoltan" == Zoltan Sekeres <zoltan at> writes:

    zoltan> On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 22:23:59 -0700, ellisjb wrote:

    >> (In all seriousness I think python and java have a lot more in
    >> common than python and perl.)

    zoltan> This a flamebait, right? Otherwise I would be interested
    zoltan> in the features which make Python similar to Java
    zoltan> (shudder).

Abundant reference semantics. Of course this is true of all OOP
language, and Java doesn't go all the way with it either, but it's the
most popular language that does it. It is also the first OOP language
that does it that I tried, and I totally digged Java for a while
before meeting Python and other languages that do it, and realized
Java is still yet another static-typing-done-wrong low level language.

Ville Vainio

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