PEP318: radical notion

Arthur ajsiegel at
Mon Aug 23 19:50:13 EDT 2004

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:12:57 GMT, Arien Malec
<arien_malec at> wrote:

>The problem with PEP318 is that it is too powerful, and tries to do too 
>much. It is a sledgehammer for attacking three problems:
>1) Metadata, a la Java and C#
>2) class & static method defs
>3) Arbitrary post-definitional transformations of functions.

The problem as you see it was, I think, was very well put forth by
Chris King early in the game, and then promptly bypassed.

Guido, as late as May or June, I think, suggested that no new syntax
be added to 2.4.  But then backed off that position, to the point that
discussion about anything other than *which* new syntax to empower the
sledgehammer, has become anti-social, or something.

Perhaps Guido could not answer the question to himself, or anybody
else, as to - no new syntax in 2.4, pending what.

Folks a lot more qualified than myself have expressed an opinion that
the reprecussions here are not likely to be pretty. And been booed off
the stage, and considerately left the stage - it not being their
problem in the end, in anycase. 

So it is my opinion the weight of discussion on python-list at this
point does not accurately reflect the weight of sentiment on the
issue.  Most folks don't like being anti-social.  

I allow myself to be. Sometimes.


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