New to Python/Programming

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at
Mon Aug 2 19:08:19 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 19:30:21 +0100, "Tim Williams"
<listserver at> wrote:

> As a recent Newbie,  I found this to be a lot of help.  (It covers both your
> requirements)
> "Learn to Program Using Python"

Thanks for the advocacy Tim.

> would treat it as getting you to an intermediate level in-between "knowing
> nothing" and "understanding what the hell the other books, online-docs and
> examples are on about"  :-)

That's exactly what it's intended for. By the end of it you
should breeze through the official tutor and understand most of
the discussions here.

> You'll be able to write in Python by the end of it.    You would still need
> something a bit more in depth afterwards (or maybe the online Docs will be
> sufficient for you)  but it won't seem as daunting.

FWIW I am also updating the online version of the tutor(see .sig)
and will be adding a few more pragmatic chapters - how to use the
os module and do basic network and web client programming for
example. But its slow work, the basic tutor has been updated to
Python 2.3, all except the case study. (Tcl and QBASIC have been
replaced by JavaScript and VBScript too)

At the risk of losing sales the OP might try the web version
first since it's now more up to date than the book (although not
by much!) but the book is still better on fundamental principles
(lots sidebars and footnotes for example).

And in the interests of impartiality, there are several other
tutorials for non programmers linked from the Python web site.

Alan G.

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